The 10,000 Hour Failure: The Missing Criterion for Expert Performance
The Dan Plan and the test of 10000 hours to reach expert performance have officially concluded. The key takeaway might surprise you.
The Dan Plan and the test of 10000 hours to reach expert performance have officially concluded. The key takeaway might surprise you.
After my recent posts on mindfulness and emotional control, several clients approached me with questions. They all mentioned their anxiety and high stress during the day. They wanted to know if meditation would actually help. "Is it something I should do?" they asked with all sincerity. I will let someone much more qualified than me [...]
Do I Need to Meditate? "I don't know if I need to meditate. To not think - I don't know too many people who can do that. And I don't even know that I want to not freakin' think." This quote came from someone I deeply respect. You would know his name if I shared [...]
In college I had a mentor and influential leader ask me the question, "What happens when your cup gets bumped? What spills out?" She wanted to know what happens when something stresses me. How do I respond? When My Cup Gets Bumped I had the chance to see some of the ugliness afresh during a [...]
At the end of a recent personal training session, one of my clients confessed he had no idea how to start meditating. I felt the exact same way when I started. It doesn't come naturally. And the vague idea of what should happen during meditation makes it even more difficult to start. Actually, I like [...]
I recently spoke to a group of sales professionals within a Fortune 50 company. I had worked with several of their sales channels for months. So I knew what challenges faced me. One of my most critical tasks involved shifting their mindset – quickly. The corporate jargon used by the company had created an unfortunate [...]
One out of every four Americans follows the news in the morning. Even more choose to follow the news throughout the day. So what value does it bring? Very little according the science. And it actually delivers some harmful unintended consequences. The Negative Effect of News Negative news can trigger the limbic system. The body [...]
The amount of science now confirming the physiological effects within the brain from meditation should give you pause (pun intended). The connection with mysticism, religion, and new age have scared off Westerners for a long time - myself included. A few early pioneers existed, like Jon Kabat-Zinn, Professor of Medicine Emeritus at the University of [...]
The hardest part is the start. Once you've begun an activity, Newton's first law provides the momentum to keep going. With that aim, here's some practical help to start meditating and experience the benefit of emotional and mental control. 10 Tips to Start Meditating Start small If you haven't practiced meditation, don't try to do [...]
Lasting improvements in the physiology of the brain often take intense focus, discomfort, and high repetition. We have Dr. Michael Merzenich, the father of brain plasticity, to thank for teaching us this. Now, expanding research on meditation is showing how a little effort everyday can have a lasting impact. The Amygdala and Brain Plasticity Scientific [...]