Looking to join the millions of adults over 50 improving their health? Healthy To 100 fitness specialists provide answers to some of your questions on how to do it.
What is the best exercise program for adults over 50?
Because everyone is unique, we can’t give you a simple answer. Each person has different needs. And we all start at different places. Our best recommendation is to sit down with one of our fitness specialists to determine what’s best for you.
What cities do you serve?
We currently serve the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota. As we explore expansion, please let us know of your interest.
Am I too old to exercise?
Contrary to opinions heard decades ago, we now know you should maintain high levels of activity as you age. Exercise is not just a good idea, it’s critical for your health. Senior exercise becomes even more important.
Do you accept insurance coverage?
We don’t at this time. Working with insurance companies would require us to raise our rates significantly. And it wouldn’t necessarily save our clients money.
What chronic conditions do you work with?
Our specialists have worked with a multitude of chronic conditions. We’re happy to discuss yours during a complimentary consultation.
Will I need to go to a gym or purchase weights?
No. We bring our own fitness tools to you.